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December 2017

New Year’s Relaxation!

This year, as a New Year resolution, I have decided to become more relaxed! This doesn’t mean that I don’t have goals for the upcoming year, but rather that I am unwilling to sacrifice my peace to achieve them! My most important overarching resolution is for PEACE. . My close friend, a medical doctor, tells me how many people she would see in the clinic who’s underlying problem was stress. And the amazing, but sad… Read More »New Year’s Relaxation!

The Mother Wound-Why it affects you and how to heal it!

Women have been speaking out recently about abuse that has been happening to women for years, for decades, for more than centuries. Due to this have I been analyzing what is called “The Mother Wound”.  . Theoretically the Mother Wound is the trauma that is passed on psychologically from mothers to daughters. It is a result of the unhealed difficulties and suffering that a woman goes through as a result of living in a patriarchal… Read More »The Mother Wound-Why it affects you and how to heal it!
