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January 2019

Tips for Writing and Publishing

As the author of 7 books I receive questions about tips for writing and publishing. Here are a few things that I have learned about self publishing books over the years. This is only my opinion and you can take what applies to you, of course. 1. I usually try be in a meditative state when writing the books so that the writing is smooth, deep, wise, easy and fast. 2. I wouldn’t overdo the… Read More »Tips for Writing and Publishing

2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR 2019 GOAL LIST, ASK YOURSELF: **DURING WHAT PERCENTAGE OF TIME DO I REALLY ALIGN WITH MY GOALS?!** This is the time of year to think about goals for the new year. Most people don’t realize how they sabotage their own creative powers. Let’s talk about how you can regain CONTROL over your own creative capacities! There is a difference in being responsive and being intentional. Many people live in a state… Read More »2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals
