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May 2019

E=Mc… Why you need to Meditate!

Disclaimer – this article may be a bit over the heads of some people but it is basically a theoretical mathematical proof that meditation builds your light body. Takeaway point: meditate! It can increase your energy…. A few years ago I had a dream that the new equation representing matter-energy equivalency was E=mc. In the dream I was running around, excited to tell people about Light…. As a graduate of Princeton, I have been introduced… Read More »E=Mc… Why you need to Meditate!

How does that make you FEEL?

While this is the quintessential and cliche therapy question, it actually can be quite helpful to ask. How do you genuinely feel about each scenario, person, potential, endeavor etc. in your life?! Tuning in to your feelings can reveal amazing insights and inner guidance about your life! Often we are taught to suppress our feelings so learning to be more aware of our inner wisdom is a great skill to develop! To learn more about… Read More »How does that make you FEEL?
