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Don’t watch the news?

The effect of environmental influences on the human brain is monumental. It is important to monitor what information we are consciously or passively consuming! Even seemingly harmless entertainment can greatly impact our moods. To master Positive Thinking one must be vigilant! It is up to us to monitor how we feel after participating in a conversation, event, or activity. Even listening to music can evoke strong emotional responses. What kind of frequencies are you tuning… Read More »Don’t watch the news?

4 Reasons Why Quarantine Is So Good For You

In many spiritual traditions a retreat is a time to get closer to the Divine that is within yourself and all around you. This year we have been lucky enough to have quarantine fall during the Spring, which is full of spiritual holidays such as a Easter, Passover and Ramadan. So how can you benefit from this time? 1. Break Cumbersome Worldly Routines  When the world is open, it is easy to get caught up… Read More »4 Reasons Why Quarantine Is So Good For You

A Letter to Reassure You in These Times of Global Healing

My Dear Client, In these interesting times I would like to reassure you that I am here for you. I am opening more availability for virtual sessions by phone and email, so contact me if you would like to arrange this. It is important to remember that tending to our mental-emotional state can be as important for our health as purifying our hands! The immune system often works better when one is peaceful. So please… Read More »A Letter to Reassure You in These Times of Global Healing

5 Spiritual Psychology Tips for 2020

Here are 5 easy and enjoyable tips that I talk about in my new YouTube video (linked below!) . 1. Self-talk and self-love 2. Rely on the Divine instead of people 3. Make Your Spiritual Well-being a Priority 4. Practice Gratitude and Appreciation 5. Drink water, exercise and eat less sugar . Click here and don’t forget to share it with friends, and to subscribe for more videos! . . . ~Dr. Rahman Beckwith… Read More »5 Spiritual Psychology Tips for 2020

Tips for Writing and Publishing

As the author of 7 books I receive questions about tips for writing and publishing. Here are a few things that I have learned about self publishing books over the years. This is only my opinion and you can take what applies to you, of course. 1. I usually try be in a meditative state when writing the books so that the writing is smooth, deep, wise, easy and fast. 2. I wouldn’t overdo the… Read More »Tips for Writing and Publishing
