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divine unity

E=Mc… Why you need to Meditate!

Disclaimer – this article may be a bit over the heads of some people but it is basically a theoretical mathematical proof that meditation builds your light body. Takeaway point: meditate! It can increase your energy…. A few years ago I had a dream that the new equation representing matter-energy equivalency was E=mc. In the dream I was running around, excited to tell people about Light…. As a graduate of Princeton, I have been introduced… Read More »E=Mc… Why you need to Meditate!

2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR 2019 GOAL LIST, ASK YOURSELF: **DURING WHAT PERCENTAGE OF TIME DO I REALLY ALIGN WITH MY GOALS?!** This is the time of year to think about goals for the new year. Most people don’t realize how they sabotage their own creative powers. Let’s talk about how you can regain CONTROL over your own creative capacities! There is a difference in being responsive and being intentional. Many people live in a state… Read More »2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

WAKE UP! Overcoming Unconscious Programming

As a society we have come to exalt distorted values and to repress what should truly be exalted. For example, qualities such as compassion, generosity and kindness are often seen as weak and unnecessary while materialism dominates.  This is unhealthy for the individual and the society, however we can’t seem to find the way out of it. What can be done? Taking time to focus on true values and priorities is a place one can… Read More »WAKE UP! Overcoming Unconscious Programming

Revelations on Love Consciousness

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at the Temple of Aphrodite on the Greek Island of Rhodes. I had stumbled upon the remnants of it on a beautiful afternoon walk. Sitting in this ancient holy spot I meditated… I opened my heart and it was easy to feel the centuries of love and worship that cascaded through this place. It dawned on me that people came to this temple with the express purpose… Read More »Revelations on Love Consciousness

Does Traveling Make You Happier??

Who doesn’t love to travel? Seeing new places and having adventures appeals to many people. But can traveling really benefit our psyches? According to psychological research, planning a trip yields positive rewards far in advance to your departure. (In fact, in one study, just the planning alone was enough to increase happiness!) Why is it important to get away from normal life? Our minds are trained to memorize our daily routines, and thus in order… Read More »Does Traveling Make You Happier??
