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twin flame union

Benefits of Meditation

There are numerous health benefits of meditation, including mystical, emotional and physical support that one can tap into.  Here is my latest video discussing these as I read an inspiring excerpt from MR Bawa Muhaiyadden: If you want to join my ongoing virtual meditation classes Wed, and Sundays online, visit my meetup group and sign up!

~Self-Love Resolutions for 2020!~

Happy New Year!  Having unconditional self-love would be an amazing resolution to have going into the next decade, don’t you think? What is unconditional self-love? We are often taught that our value comes from accomplishments, excelling in certain areas, appearing a certain way, surpassing others, accumulating worldly wealth, or status etc. This system of valuing yourself does not allow true recognition of WHO YOU ARE! Humans are intrinsically valuable. Someone may accumulate many worldly possessions,… Read More »~Self-Love Resolutions for 2020!~

E=Mc… Why you need to Meditate!

Disclaimer – this article may be a bit over the heads of some people but it is basically a theoretical mathematical proof that meditation builds your light body. Takeaway point: meditate! It can increase your energy…. A few years ago I had a dream that the new equation representing matter-energy equivalency was E=mc. In the dream I was running around, excited to tell people about Light…. As a graduate of Princeton, I have been introduced… Read More »E=Mc… Why you need to Meditate!

Revelations on Love Consciousness

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at the Temple of Aphrodite on the Greek Island of Rhodes. I had stumbled upon the remnants of it on a beautiful afternoon walk. Sitting in this ancient holy spot I meditated… I opened my heart and it was easy to feel the centuries of love and worship that cascaded through this place. It dawned on me that people came to this temple with the express purpose… Read More »Revelations on Love Consciousness

Can Someone BECOME your Twin Flame?!? Relieving the Psychological Stress of Waiting for “The One

WHAT IF TWIN FLAMES ARE NOT BORN, BUT MADE?? This may seem like wishful thinking. The idea that your ideal match, your twin soul, the one who can help you to reach your highest potential, is not someone who is elusive, as is popularly believed, but rather the person right in front of you is monumental! But could it be true??!! Let’s take a look at twin flame lure… You can read a lot on… Read More »Can Someone BECOME your Twin Flame?!? Relieving the Psychological Stress of Waiting for “The One
