‘Build Your Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence’– E-Course for Youth (and Adults!)
Learning to find approval within is important, especially in the developmental years. Self-love can be cultivated early, and leads to a happier, healthier life. Order this video series to learn how to develop your inner feelings of security!
E-course $195 Email to sign up: Rahmanheals@gmail.com
Visit YouTube for the introductory video HERE!
‘Think Happy Thoughts’–Positive Thinking E-Course
There was a reason that the Fairy Tinkerbelle told the children to ‘Think happy thoughts’ in the well-known movie Peter Pan. When they thought about positive things, they could fly!
The good news is that you too can think positively and escape to a new land where you can retain the joy of a child, and feel free and happy without limit. Then your entire life will take on magical new qualities!
In this course you will receive a series of videos and instruction on practical ways to become happier. You will learn to use and apply techniques that are scientifically proven to increase your positive outcomes. E-course $145 Email to sign up: Rahmanheals@gmail.com
Enjoy the first video as my FREE gift to you! Click HERE!