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Revelations on Love Consciousness

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at the Temple of Aphrodite on the Greek Island of Rhodes. I had stumbled upon the remnants of it on a beautiful afternoon walk.

Sitting in this ancient holy spot I meditated… I opened my heart and it was easy to feel the centuries of love and worship that cascaded through this place. It dawned on me that people came to this temple with the express purpose of connecting with Divine love! What a privilege it was to be a part of this legacy of love.

As I meditated, I first enjoyed the soothing feelings of love which filled my being. Then contemplations on love filled my consciousness. I had the revelation that WE COULD EXIST IN STATES OF LOVE! Yes humans could cultivate such a consciousness that they could love everything in the appropriate capacity. The Greeks had words for the different types of love, brotherly love, love for friends, love for romantic partners… there were so many types of love. In fact when does one ever really need to exit the realm of love?! We can love food, places, activities, people, ourselves…We can even learn to love and appreciate the difficult situations that are teaching us. And in loving we have mastered our inner realm and can enjoy the bliss of love at any and all times!

To watch my brief video at this location visit it on YouTube here (sorry about the wind!):



























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