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Don’t watch the news?

The effect of environmental influences on the human brain is monumental. It is important to monitor what information we are consciously or passively consuming! Even seemingly harmless entertainment can greatly impact our moods. To master Positive Thinking one must be vigilant! It is up to us to monitor how we feel after participating in a conversation, event, or activity. Even listening to music can evoke strong emotional responses. What kind of frequencies are you tuning… Read More »Don’t watch the news?

4 Reasons Why Quarantine Is So Good For You

In many spiritual traditions a retreat is a time to get closer to the Divine that is within yourself and all around you. This year we have been lucky enough to have quarantine fall during the Spring, which is full of spiritual holidays such as a Easter, Passover and Ramadan. So how can you benefit from this time? 1. Break Cumbersome Worldly Routines  When the world is open, it is easy to get caught up… Read More »4 Reasons Why Quarantine Is So Good For You

WHY?- A Revolutionary Question to Change Your Perspective

Recently I was working with someone who had a negative outlook and wasn’t feeling happy.  So I asked a pivotal question. Why did you choose this experience? This was game-changing for my client. To ask the question, “Why is my soul doing this for me? Why have I chosen to experience this; what is the benefit?” is a profound way to gain perspective on a situation.  For example in this client’s situation, people kept telling… Read More »WHY?- A Revolutionary Question to Change Your Perspective
