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Angels and Demons… With Whom Do You Serve?

Introspection. Self-Awareness. Mystical knowledge of the realms within. Do you have it? During my counseling of someone recently, it came to light that most people are not aware of their impulses. I explained to this client that it appears that they sometimes follow lower impulses. To put it another way, they foster and nourish their demons.  While the vast cosmos exists within us all, it is up to us whether we foster a heaven or… Read More »Angels and Demons… With Whom Do You Serve?

Spiritual Joy is Here- Holiday Newsletter 2023

Happy Holidays!!  This season has been full of spiritual joy! For example, we had a beautiful talk with our esteemed visitor Haji Syed Salman Chishty at the Green Barn by the mazar of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen. The discussion included how faith, community and compassionate service improve mental health, alleviating depression and other imbalances. Syed Salman spoke of the love of the Divine and humanity, and was kind enough to receive my latest book Falling in Love… Read More »Spiritual Joy is Here- Holiday Newsletter 2023

Happy Fall/Winter!

Blessings to you in the season of introspection!  It has been a lovely fall for me.  Highlights:  I led a powerful meditation and Positive-Thinking seminar in Manhattan, NY on 9/11! To join our weekly online classes visit: Then, when I was in Boston, the poetry book store at Harvard agreed to sell my book – A Gift of Joy! Order your copy here! (It makes a perfect holiday present for yourself or someone that you… Read More »Happy Fall/Winter!

Join the Book Club! How to deal with heartbreak

Join the free club by subscribing on Youtube! Find Falling in Love with God on my website here: Or on Amazon here: Join the free club by subscribing on Youtube! Week 1 Study Questions: Introduction What is REAL LOVE? Do you have a void that you are looking to fill with love, food, shopping, working or other addictions? Do you currently have a relationship with the Divine? What is that relationship like? Do… Read More »Join the Book Club! How to deal with heartbreak

Quantum Jumping: How accessing the Multiverse could inspire you!

We all want to believe that we have unlimited potential, and that is exactly the feeling that you can tap into when you meditate on the multiverse! According to certain theories in quantum physics, there may be multiple realities co-existing with infinite potentials. That means that YOU may be able to tune into such a reality and learn from it! Using meditation, we can intend to expand our minds and to meet versions of our… Read More »Quantum Jumping: How accessing the Multiverse could inspire you!
