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Gary Chapman

12 Ways To Maintain Balance in Relationships

You consider yourself a level-headed spiritual person. But when certain relationships come along, they can knock you off of your center. Well here are 12 easy ways to maintain harmony in your relationships. These tips can be applied to any type of relationship, whether romantic, familial, friendship, professional, etc. 1- Enjoy self responsibility. Remember that what other people do is less important than the fact that you create your own reality and experiences. 2- Since… Read More »12 Ways To Maintain Balance in Relationships

8 Ways to Show Yourself Appreciation

Self-worth, self-love, and self-appreciation are so important for our lives.  To be able to accomplish anything, we have to believe that we are capable and and deserving.  Unfortunately, society has set up a hamster mill of achievements such that, if one falls short of them, one is expected to feel less than worthy or good. I am sure that you can think of a number of areas where you feel that you fall short, but… Read More »8 Ways to Show Yourself Appreciation
