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business coaching

2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR 2019 GOAL LIST, ASK YOURSELF: **DURING WHAT PERCENTAGE OF TIME DO I REALLY ALIGN WITH MY GOALS?!** This is the time of year to think about goals for the new year. Most people don’t realize how they sabotage their own creative powers. Let’s talk about how you can regain CONTROL over your own creative capacities! There is a difference in being responsive and being intentional. Many people live in a state… Read More »2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

Spiritual Nourishment

Our psychological state can become weak if we don’t feed our hearts. Just as the rest of the body needs nourishment, so does the soul. It is important to ask yourself what nourishes your spirit?! For some people this nourishment may come from a simple, peaceful walk in nature. Others couple this activity with listening to motivational talks, or spiritual music. Some people like to have spiritual conversations with uplifting friends, or watch spiritual movies,… Read More »Spiritual Nourishment

Corporate Coaching: Benefits of Positive Psychology in the Workplace

“Yay! I’m so glad it’s Monday! I’m so happy to go into work!!!” Is this what you say at the beginning of every week? Don’t feel badly if it’s not. Most people have a hard time getting motivated on Monday… but what if this were how you truly felt? What if you LOVED what you did for a living?! If you’re lucky enough to be a successful entrepreneur or business owner, then you may know… Read More »Corporate Coaching: Benefits of Positive Psychology in the Workplace
