Our psychological state can become weak if we don’t feed our hearts. Just as the rest of the body needs nourishment, so does the soul. It is important to ask yourself what nourishes your spirit?!
For some people this nourishment may come from a simple, peaceful walk in nature. Others couple this activity with listening to motivational talks, or spiritual music. Some people like to have spiritual conversations with uplifting friends, or watch spiritual movies, and feel rejuvenated by these activities. Still others find that waking up early in the morning to start their days with meditation is useful. (Read my book on this- The Early Morning Princess!)
Whatever your method, it is important to take time to do the activities that make your heart sing. This actually can strengthen your physical and emotional body and improve your motivation and stamina for other tasks.
Make your own list of uplifting activities, and feel free to share them below!
Check out my video on this topic here!
Dr. Rahman Beckwith integrates Positive Psychology and spirituality to create unique approaches to wellness. A graduate of Princeton University, she is a global speaker and author of many books available on Amazon.com and her website www.DrRahmanBeckwith.wordpress.com. Follow her Facebook page Holistic Therapy with Dr. Rahman and her Instagram, Dr.RahmanBeckwith, for more updates!