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A Letter to Reassure You in These Times of Global Healing

My Dear Client, In these interesting times I would like to reassure you that I am here for you. I am opening more availability for virtual sessions by phone and email, so contact me if you would like to arrange this. It is important to remember that tending to our mental-emotional state can be as important for our health as purifying our hands! The immune system often works better when one is peaceful. So please… Read More »A Letter to Reassure You in These Times of Global Healing

Organizing, De-cluttering and Psychology

Recently we have had a craze here in the U.S. with the Marie Condo phenomenon of “sparking joy”. This lovely Asian woman is teaching people to only keep the possessions which bring them happiness. So what is the psychological basis for this? Do people truly feel better in neater, organized surroundings?  Generally, the answer is yes. Our brain takes in a great deal of our environment unconsciously. Thus, having unfinished work, items which are out… Read More »Organizing, De-cluttering and Psychology

Judge Not Lest… You Become Really Annoyed!

WHY CRITICIZING OTHERS CAN BE DETRIMENTAL TO YOU You may have heard the biblical statement “Judge not lest ye be judged”. This could be interpreted as meaning that if you judge others you subject yourself to the possibility of being judged.  However, there is also the basic psychological fact that residing in a state of agitation is not advantageous. Thus, if one is often finding fault with others, one is not existing in a state… Read More »Judge Not Lest… You Become Really Annoyed!

Corporate Coaching: Benefits of Positive Psychology in the Workplace

“Yay! I’m so glad it’s Monday! I’m so happy to go into work!!!” Is this what you say at the beginning of every week? Don’t feel badly if it’s not. Most people have a hard time getting motivated on Monday… but what if this were how you truly felt? What if you LOVED what you did for a living?! If you’re lucky enough to be a successful entrepreneur or business owner, then you may know… Read More »Corporate Coaching: Benefits of Positive Psychology in the Workplace


(Note: This article turned out a bit longer than I expected but it is worth your attention: IT COULD CHANGE YOUR REALITY AND LIFE! You could become EXTRAORDINARY!…) Many of mankind’s concerns come from worry about PROVISION and SECURITY. This article addresses that in a way that will rock your world…. So I have known about the concept of Absolute Divine Unity from the lightning strikingly clear teachings of Abdul Quadir Jilani (ral.) for some… Read More »ABSOLUTE DIVINE UNITY vs. ENERGETIC VAMPIRISM
