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electronics addiction

Don’t watch the news?

The effect of environmental influences on the human brain is monumental. It is important to monitor what information we are consciously or passively consuming! Even seemingly harmless entertainment can greatly impact our moods. To master Positive Thinking one must be vigilant! It is up to us to monitor how we feel after participating in a conversation, event, or activity. Even listening to music can evoke strong emotional responses. What kind of frequencies are you tuning… Read More »Don’t watch the news?

2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR 2019 GOAL LIST, ASK YOURSELF: **DURING WHAT PERCENTAGE OF TIME DO I REALLY ALIGN WITH MY GOALS?!** This is the time of year to think about goals for the new year. Most people don’t realize how they sabotage their own creative powers. Let’s talk about how you can regain CONTROL over your own creative capacities! There is a difference in being responsive and being intentional. Many people live in a state… Read More »2019 Goals? How Responsive vs. Intentional Thinking Matters in Achieving your Goals

Spiritual Nourishment

Our psychological state can become weak if we don’t feed our hearts. Just as the rest of the body needs nourishment, so does the soul. It is important to ask yourself what nourishes your spirit?! For some people this nourishment may come from a simple, peaceful walk in nature. Others couple this activity with listening to motivational talks, or spiritual music. Some people like to have spiritual conversations with uplifting friends, or watch spiritual movies,… Read More »Spiritual Nourishment

Exercise for Happiness

Even with the hot summer weather that we are having on the eastern coast of the USA, you can still find ways to move your body!  Swimming during the day, and walking/running outside during the early morning or evening could provide relief from the heat as well as much needed physical exertion.  So do not use the heat as an excuse to avoid moving your body!  There are too many psychological benefits that you can… Read More »Exercise for Happiness

Early to rise…

There is an old adage, “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes someone healthy, wealthy and wise.”  I have been testing this theory for the past several weeks and found it to be AMAZINGLY true! In addition to those high-performing professionals who start their days early, practitioners of many spiritual traditions around the world make a habit of waking before the sunrise.  The general consensus among successful individuals appears to be that doing several… Read More »Early to rise…
