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4 Reasons Why Quarantine Is So Good For You

In many spiritual traditions a retreat is a time to get closer to the Divine that is within yourself and all around you. This year we have been lucky enough to have quarantine fall during the Spring, which is full of spiritual holidays such as a Easter, Passover and Ramadan. So how can you benefit from this time? 1. Break Cumbersome Worldly Routines  When the world is open, it is easy to get caught up… Read More »4 Reasons Why Quarantine Is So Good For You

Revelations on Love Consciousness

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at the Temple of Aphrodite on the Greek Island of Rhodes. I had stumbled upon the remnants of it on a beautiful afternoon walk. Sitting in this ancient holy spot I meditated… I opened my heart and it was easy to feel the centuries of love and worship that cascaded through this place. It dawned on me that people came to this temple with the express purpose… Read More »Revelations on Love Consciousness

Does Traveling Make You Happier??

Who doesn’t love to travel? Seeing new places and having adventures appeals to many people. But can traveling really benefit our psyches? According to psychological research, planning a trip yields positive rewards far in advance to your departure. (In fact, in one study, just the planning alone was enough to increase happiness!) Why is it important to get away from normal life? Our minds are trained to memorize our daily routines, and thus in order… Read More »Does Traveling Make You Happier??

Spiritual Nourishment

Our psychological state can become weak if we don’t feed our hearts. Just as the rest of the body needs nourishment, so does the soul. It is important to ask yourself what nourishes your spirit?! For some people this nourishment may come from a simple, peaceful walk in nature. Others couple this activity with listening to motivational talks, or spiritual music. Some people like to have spiritual conversations with uplifting friends, or watch spiritual movies,… Read More »Spiritual Nourishment

Exercise for Happiness

Even with the hot summer weather that we are having on the eastern coast of the USA, you can still find ways to move your body!  Swimming during the day, and walking/running outside during the early morning or evening could provide relief from the heat as well as much needed physical exertion.  So do not use the heat as an excuse to avoid moving your body!  There are too many psychological benefits that you can… Read More »Exercise for Happiness
